When I think of a ‘Gallery’ I think of all those places my mum dragged me along to when I was a kid, boring stuffy places, with ‘precious’ pictures hanging on the wall made by mostly dead people. Where I couldn’t run, shout, jump, or eat.
All this has changed! Here is our NEW kind of Gallery, where we ALL get to share something precious, made by US, for us, and for the viewing pleasure of everyone. AND you can eat and drink your coffee as you browse!
As our course progresses the number of galleries you will find on this page will grow as more are added, one for each module! We begin with a simple ‘Student’s Gallery’ for your viewing pleasure 🙂
Please select a gallery to view for your visual treat today!
Module One Student Yarns (The Call to Adventure)
Module Two Student Yarns (The Road of Trials)
Module Three Student Yarns (The Vision Quest)
Module Four Student Yarns (Meeting the Goddess)
Module Five Student Yarns (The Boon)
Module Six Student Yarns (The Magic Flight)
Module Seven Student Yarns (Master of Two Worlds and the Freedom to Live)
Module Eight Final Projects (Imparting Wisdom)