A week or so ago we shared a new initiative we have started to help support our fiber arts community. This started because we are aware of so many fiber events being closed down due to the global pandemic, and the vendors we would normally be buying from and supporting were unable to share their wares. However we have loved the process and result so much that we have decided to continue with this directory as an ongoing free offering to share with our fibery community.
This directory is free to advertise in and free to download, and all ads are magically linked directly to the artists website or social media š
We would like to encourage you to share this far and wide using the following links!
For PDF (suitable for every device) https://freetinystudiocontent.s3.amazonaws.com/FiberArtDirectory.pdf
EPUB for your Apple Book app
And we would also love to hear from you if you would like to have your fiber business advertisement included in the next update! Please email us at info@fiberygoodness.com with your quarter page ad in PDF or JPG format and we will add you to the next version!