I have a special post for you this time, from the Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador. If you are in the area, or able to travel to this event, I think it would be well worth attending! Discussions on the sustainability of the materials and goods we use and create as fibre artists, as well as the massive contribution we can potentially make to the availability of environmentally friendly and sustainable products, are really important at the moment. We should not underestimate what we can all do together.

The Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador through the provincial Year of the Arts initiative has the pleasure to announce the Made in Canada: Sustainable Fibre Arts Conference 2024. The Conference is taking place from September 19 to 23, 2024, in Gros Morne National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

Sustainability has been a central conversation in the arts and cultural community in the past decade, to say the least, and as such a diversity of makers and craft artists are turning their attention to sustainable practices at a local, national and international level. Last held in 2015, our Fibre Conference brought presenters, participants and visitors from all across the globe together to discuss the exciting developments in the fibre arts; in 2024 we are celebrating the “Made in Canada” fibre artists of the province and the country adding a valuable contribution the YOTA.

Sustainability is far from a new concept. Sustainable textile practices are evolving and being adopted by hundreds of artists in Canada and across the Globe. Focusing on sustainability and respect for the land, water and air, this conference aims to discuss sustainable and ecological craft practices and materials, and how sustainability can support rural and urban craft communities and move forward in the craft industry with sustainable planning within our discussions and workshops. Artists from other Canadian provinces and territories of diverse cultural backgrounds will present a series of workshops, panel discussions, exhibitions and the sustainable foraging of fibres on the West Coast of NL.

As we move forward in the craft world we have started to have a deep understanding of sustainability within the materials used, the making processes and the need to balance our current needs with the needs of the future craft artists generation. Through applied skills and material-based knowledge, a vast amount of makers are tuning into their processes to reconnect with the land surrounding them and how their materials are cultivated and harvested. The fibre artists specifically have been learning to create with found materials in nature, to cultivate their own fibres respecting the balance of their land and harvesting only those necessary for their creation, therefore sustainability becomes a social, cultural, economic and environmental endeavour in which fibre artists are deeply rooted in.

This event is bound to inspire you to develop your own fibre art while leaving you in love with Newfoundland and Labrador!

Register now: https://www.fibrearts2024.ca

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