I am very pleased to bring you Issue 24 of TinySTUDIO Creative Life magazine! I am excited to be continuing our focus on art yarns and the myriad of things that can be made with them. I hope you will find articles that inspire you to create something unique and special, made with some unusual yarns. 

In this issue we have yarn making – from the preparation of batts through to gorgeous yarns, with Lora Jones. The vibrant colours throughout this article are full of joy, and the ‘recipe’ Lora shares at the end is really detailed so you can easily replicate this fun look.

If you are a newer spinner, don’t miss Anna Macnaughton Lindemark’s ‘I Wish I’d Known’ article, bringing you all the tips you need to give you a good start in your spinning journey; why learn everything the hard way when there’s wisdom aplenty to guide you!

We also have some spin related fiction in this issue, with Part 2 of Arlene Thayers yarny fairy tale and the adventures on the Island of Tubb. We follow the lives of the wonderful characters who inhabit the island, each one with a personality as distinct as the spin techniques they were created with. There is also a short story based on the life of a young girl working in the early cotton mills of the UK, followed by a mini tutorial on how to spin recycled cotton textiles, no fiber left behind!

For more inspiration, our cover artist, Vicki Robinson, has provided much magic with her very imaginative tea cosies, captured ‘in the wild’ at a recent Tea Party. I love how the cosies can be matched with the tea flavours, and despite all having the same function and purpose, each one can be so very unique. Perhaps your next tea party will be warmed with your own creations! 

If you are considering getting into weaving, the article by Lai Heung P Lam is fascinating! Backstrap weaving is an incredibly accessible craft, with minimal equipment required. There is, however, a whole world of learning to keep you engrossed in an ongoing learning path, including discoveries about the different styles of backstrap weaving traditionally practiced around the world.

Another kind of weaving in this issue is the Peg Loom weaving by Corinne Milan, who made some gorgeous wall hangings using this simple weaving technique. Corrine takes us through her process, from fleece, through dyeing, right up to taking the piece from the loom ready to hang on the wall. She has some excellent tips for things like keeping the edges straight, and working with the twist in singles yarns.

The very talented Ineke De Brouwer is back with the next installment of ‘Dynamic Weaving’, this time using the story of the ‘Secret Garden’ as inspiration for the themed project, you will be amazed at the yarns she has created for this weave and their floral looks!

Speaking of yarns, as well as Lora Jones’ batt to yarn project, we also have a stunning ‘Effervescent’ yarn recipe from Crystal Hester, with step by step instructions for spinning a bubble crepe, and Suzy also has a recipe for making a ‘Waterfall’ yarn, with inspiration from Megan Balks regular ‘Wild Inspirations’ column, this time on those mesmerising cascades of water that we love so much.

This issue of tinyStudio has a lot going on! We even have a taster for making bobbin lace with art yarns, and inkle weaving with an art yarn edging. Please do come and check it out, it is available now in print or digital!

tinyStudio Magazine PRINT Issue 24
Price: $26.00

tinyStudio Digital Magazine Issue 24
Price: $14.00

tinyStudio is proud to be sponsored by our favourite Spinning Wheels and Fiber Tool makers!

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