Issue 16 of tinyStudio Magazine!

Issue 16 of tinyStudio Magazine!

Issue 16 is now available! Subscribers will find this magical issue in their email inboxes, and it can also be purchased as a single issue on the website at the end of this blogpost, or head over here: (CURRENT ISSUE PAGE) All new subscribers can login and download Issue 16 as soon as they register, this issue remains in the subscribers only area to download until Issue 17 is published in November 2022. I think this is one of the

tinyStudio Issue 15!

tinyStudio Issue 15!

The time has come, Issue 15 is ready to go! These last months have been quite eventful, there has been change, reshuffling, new processes, but here we are on time and Issue 15 is gorgeous 🙂 Since the last issue came out, both Evanita and Debbie have moved on to other exciting projects. I am incredibly grateful for all they have done for tinyStudio – Evanita has been amazing for years behind the scenes throughout all our fiberygoodness courses, and



I am so happy to be bringing you this issue of tinyStudio Creative Life magazine! I hope you will love the cheerful and vibrant colours of nature in this issue – the theme of ‘florals’ has been an exciting one to put together, and there is much inspiration within the pages of Issue 14. Throughout the 120 pages of this issue, we have plenty of wonderful content to delight and inspire. Of course, this issue would not be complete in

The Juniper Shawl

The Juniper Shawl

Witchcraft or Coincidence..? In this blogpost we welcome back Ineke de Brouwer, of ‘Tricky Thread’ in the Netherlands, with a delightful follow-up to her article in Issue 12 in which we featured her stunning ‘Juniper’ Shawl. We love to share in these behind-the-scenes with artists, and it is inspirational to see how Ineke works through the ideas, themes, and constructions to create her gorgeous fibery artworks! The story behind the shawl by Ineke De Brouwer The moment I heard about

Weaving a Tāonga

Weaving a Tāonga

Guest Post by Pat Old Traditions around the use of kākahu / korowai.  It was said by Mary Zicafoose in the Spring issue of Fibre Art Now, 2017,  “That there are certain substances on this planet that carry, store, and record memory. One is natural fibre. Textiles are like holograms; both are dimensionally coded sources of information. They transmit their mystery and magic, generation after generation.”    A kākahu, or Māori cloak, possesses that mystery and the meaningful design components are the “coded source of information”. A cloak whose main design

A big change to tinyStudio in Print

A big change to tinyStudio in Print

Greetings to all! Welcome to a new year, which I hope will be creative, productive, and inspiring. I am here with some big tinyStudio news for 2022, which will herald some changes. This is quite a long post, but bear with me, there is important information for current print subscribers. I was originally prepared to start print production of tinyStudio magazine, following a very successful two years of digital publishing, back in 2020. As we all know, Covid arrived and

Daedalus – Fiberygoodness Spinners Apprenticeship Update!

Daedalus – Fiberygoodness Spinners Apprenticeship Update!

It is with great pleasure that we bring you this update from Franciose Danoy of Aroha Knits, who is working through our Fiberygoodness Spinner Apprenticeship, sponsored by the amazing Daedalus Spinning Wheels! Franciose has been learning about the different ways to spin, to create woolen or worsted yarns with short draws and longdraws. We also worked on plying and the many ways you can twist singles together. Franciose and the Daedalus Starling (Rosie) are a great match and have come

Issue 13 is Here!

Issue 13 is Here!

Subscribe to Digital | Already Digital Subscriber | Subscribe to Print  Or purchase as a single issue in our shop I am very proud to bring you Issue 13of tinyStudio Creative Life Magazine! Publication date 28 November 2021 In Issue 13 you will find articles, colours, and inspirations along the theme of “oceans”. The ocean is always so invigorating and inspiring, the colours of the water at different times of day and in all kinds of weather, the sounds, the

Finding Your Style

With Nic White We are happy to bring you a peek into the fiber world of Nic, whose fiber dyeing and creative projects contain his unique sense of style and colour Yarn infatuation began with a simple visit to the local yarn store while staying with my grandmother in Prescott, Arizona. My whole life changed after walking through that door. There were more color combinations than I had ever imagined and the ability to create any shape or type of

The story behind ‘Hasse Simonsdochter’: A city trip with a mannequin

The story behind ‘Hasse Simonsdochter’: A city trip with a mannequin

by Ineke De Brouwer We have a wonderful guest blogpost from Ineke de Brouwer to share with you this time, a follow on from the amazing article she wrote about one of her creative weavings for Issue 11 of tinyStudio magazine. The article featured the shawl that Ineke made, inspired by stories and places that have influenced her, and we wanted to share the background in more depth than we could fit into the magazine! Biggest thanks to Ineke for