Corinne’s Christmas Wreaths

Corinne’s Christmas Wreaths

It is getting closer to THAT time of the year, the time when we look to fairy lights, magical sparkle and gorgeous rich colour to festive up our environments. It is then my very big pleasure to share with you something very special from our guest blogger Corinne Milan from the UK. Corinne is a fantastic, inspirational fiber artist who’s creativity is clear as soon as you visit her Woolly Wizzard facebook page . I am honoured to be sharing Corinnes

Issue 5 is GO!

Issue 5 is GO!

Issue Five is out now! The gentle focus or theme in this issue is ‘Of Nature’, and of course there is a whole lot of nature to be inspired by, enthused about, and to revel in! When I was planning this issue I was thinking of all the natural colours of wool and fibers, the ways nature inspires so many artists in their creativity and thinking. Then I dug down even deeper and started thinking about the ‘nature’ of who we

Fundamental Issues with Marketing

Fundamental Issues with Marketing

This is a post a little bit away from my usual, however there is this THING I have been grappling with for some months now, and I am finally starting to see the light! The THING is marketing. It is something I have always struggled with, I love to make things, to share things, I am hopeless at selling anything.. in fact my default behaviour usually ends up with me giving things away or seriously underpricing. It was a blessing

Celebrating a Year of tinyStudio Magazine!

Celebrating a Year of tinyStudio Magazine!

It’s true! One whole year dedicated to publishing this awesome new fiber arts magazine! There are now FOUR issues published and this month marks the beginning, when I opened up subscriptions and started building the very first Issue 🙂  Since then Evanita and I have made loads of big changes to the website, streamlined it and added content. I have made LOTS of tinystudioTV episodes that now reside in the library for all subscribers too! The activity of finding just

Minimalism, TinyStudio Style!

Minimalism, TinyStudio Style!

Let me begin this with explaining that I am not a minimalist. I would like to be but I find living with other people (the family) nullifies any attempt I make at creating a simple, sparse, minimalistic environment. As well as this, my own activities deny me the opportunity for the ‘perfect’ clean, white, spacious studio of my dreams and rather, drop me in the midst of stash fiber, cones of yarn, tools, paper, drawing equipment, weaving looms and tools,

tinyStudio Creative Life, Issue 4 is Live!

tinyStudio Creative Life, Issue 4 is Live!

  (Click the contents page to view larger) Release date 29 August 2019 This issue is now available to all current subscribers! The underlying focus of this issue is that of ‘Harmony’, something that I have found we are all looking for and enjoy in our lives. Of course in our fibery lives even more so, as spinning, knitting, weaving, stitching.. these hand crafts are frequently the actual source of the harmonies we create in our lives. Throughout this issue

Digital or Online, What’s the Difference?

Digital or Online, What’s the Difference?

Something interesting I have noted since I started publishing the tinyStudio Creative Life magazine, is the difference between ‘Online’ and ‘Digital’. Why is this important to me? And what is the difference? tinyStudio Creative Life magazine is a ‘digital’ magazine, this is why it is important to me 🙂 In the big picture, there isn’t any kind of earth shattering difference between the terms ‘digital’ and ‘online’, however in your day to day life, the differences between them can be

tinyStudio TV

tinyStudio TV

the tinyStudio Creative Life magazine is running along in leaps and bounds! We have had some incredible articles from a wide variety of global, talented, and ultra creative fiber artists, and the content continues to be rich and varied. In between issues, I am also busy creating the video podcasts that go with each issue! These ‘tinyStudio TV’ episodes come out every two weeks, and content varies. So far we have had a visit to a local farm at shearing

Spinning on a Budget

Spinning on a Budget

One of the things I love about the whole tinyStudio concept is one of the guiding principles behind it, which is that you do not need more than you actually NEED in order to be fulfilled as a spinner. The tinyStudio idea is not to bog yourself down in tools and giant stash, nor to feel held back because you do not have ALL the tools, when it seems like you’re ‘meant’ to have all the equipment to be a

A Day of Colour

A Day of Colour

Colours are not just surface decoration, or ways to differentiate between ripe or unripe, clean or muddy, or even edible/inedible. Colour is a noun… colour – the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light. “the lights flickered and changed colour” synonyms: hue, shade, tint, tone, tinge, cast, tincture “the lights flickered and changed colour” Colour is also a verb – change the colour of (something) by painting, dyeing, or shading