Welcome to the Fiberygoodness tinyStudio magazine Podcast : “Tales From the Fiber Side”, with your hosts Arlene Thayer yoga teacher, spinner, knitter extraordinaire and all round wise person, and myself Suzy Brown aka Woolwench, passionate fiber artist, and owner publisher of indie magazine tinyStudio Creative Life.
Join us as we dive down fibery rabbitholes to bring you stories from the past; we will share stories about fiber heroes, villains, mythical characters, and events that helped shape the fiber world as we know it. We will explore the fibery past to inspire you with tales that bring to life the inner worlds of spinners, weavers, tapestry makers, medieval guilds, and patrons of the fiber arts, as well as the other side of fiber; a world in which pirates and privateers smuggle wool across the English channel, risking capture and imprisonment, where womanly wartime spies knit secrets into their projects and send them as coded messages to their allies, where mythical beings monitor your spinning efforts throughout the year and bring judgement on your productivity, and also, well, we will have some fun chatting fluff and fibre!
Please feel free to listen here and subscribe to our feed direct or find us and subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts! You can also watch our latest episode with video on our YouTube Podcast channel, dont forget to like and subscribe to the podcast!
Episode Notes
The Smuggling Episode
If you are interested in following up these stories with some more reading, here are some great links to get you started:
Rattenbury wrote a complete dairy which became his memoirs (published 1837) can be read here: https://archive.org/details/memoirsasmuggle00rattgoog/page/n2/mode/1up
Wadhurst History Society — Wadhurst History Society | The History of Smuggling in Sussex and Kent
Mysterious Britain — Brede Place – Mysterious Britain & Ireland mysteriousbritain.co.uk
Clare Flynn — Smugglers of Sussex | Clare Flynn
Episode 8: A Little Seasonal Fibery Cautionary Tale
Arlene suggests further reading with the book “The Old Magic of Christmas” by Linda Raedisch https://www.amazon.com/Old-Magic-Christmas-Yuletide-Traditions/dp/0738733342/ref=monarch_sidesheet_title
Issue 22 of tinyStudio has an article by Anna Landmark in which she takes us through the entire process of spinning, weaving, and sewing an historic dress (similar to those mentioned in the podcast) including details on quantities prepared, spun, and woven for the project. Available as a back issue in the Fiberygoodness Shop
Episode 5 Notes: This episode is all about how Arlene and Suzy ‘finish’ their yarns and knit or woven items. There is a video to accompany this podcast in which Suzy demonstrates a method of finishing a singles yarn that works to permanently stabilise the yarn and make it more durable – please view on our YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/ItevBWY6maQ– or right here!